Monday, June 16, 2008

"Re-thinking That ‘70's Inflation Show"

Thomas Palley says "if the union price - wage spiral story of inflation is correct (which it is), Friedman's natural rate theory is wrong. My comments, along with supporting graphs, are at the end:...more>>

Stolper-Samuelson for the real world

The Stolper-Samuelson theorem is a remarkable theorem: it says that in a world with two goods and two factors of production, where specialization remains incomplete (plus a few more technical assumptions), one of the two factors--the one that is "scarce"--must end up worse off as a result of opening up to international trade. Not in relative terms, but in absolute terms. But the theorem is also quite limited in its applicability. It applies only to a case with two goods and two factors, and so its real world relevance is always in question...more>>

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Absolutely breathtaking

Brad DeLong is a fine economic historian, but he is also an exceptionally partisan blogger, and today it shows with a fury. DeLong attacks Harvard economist and former Bush and Romney advisor Greg Mankiw. First, Mankiw in the New York Times....more>>